What could happen if my business made vaccination mandatory?
Vaccination has never been made compulsory and forcing your employees to have the vaccine, could result in legal claims being made, civil and criminal.
Making a Will
You haven't made a will and keep putting it off, we understand, but it's easy to make a will if you have proper guidance and we can send you a printed questionnaire to help you ask yourself the right questions about your situation and who needs to benefit from your will before we start drafting.
We hope you all enjoyed a safe and happy festive break.
The next few months are going to be tough on us all.
Whether you are 'just' coping with juggling work and home, taking care of your elderly parent's estate, or thinking about your own wills, dealing with employer or employee disputes, or endeavoring to move house. Or perhaps embarking on separation or considering divorce.
The pandemic has accentuated existing strains on their relationships
The first step to deciding whether divorce is right for you is to gather information. For many, having an initial consultation with a divorce lawyer can allay many of their fears, particularly for the financially weaker party, by reassuring them and clarifying the process.
Government flags employment law change to cheerlead ‘wave of startups’
The government is pushing to change employment law to encourage a “wave of startups” across Britain.